10 Hidden Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Losing weight is one of the most popular goals in the world whether it is for health reasons, just to get fit or part of new year resolutions. People believe that a combination of a proper diet and a good exercise routine is all it takes, but still don’t lose weight. Without noticing the results sometimes it feels impossible and giving up the fitness goals. Before you give up, rethink that there might be a reason for not shredding those pounds down. There might be various hidden reasons you are not losing weight despite exercising and maintaining a well-balanced diet.

[/vc_column_text][boc_heading html_element=”h3″]Here are 10 Hidden Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight[/boc_heading][boc_heading]You are Eating Very Little[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]You might think that eating less helps you lose those extra pounds; however, this can actually have the opposite effect or prevent you from losing weight. Serving sizes are important. If you are exercising, you will actually need more food to help support your muscle development and what you burn through cardiovascular exercise. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume, but eating too little can slow down your metabolism. A low metabolism will slow down your level of weight loss. It can also make you feel tired without energy. So stick to a balanced portion-controlled diet to help stay energized and healthy while shedding a few pounds.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You Don’t Sleep Enough[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]

Do you know that insufficient sleep helps to gain weight? Rest is a crucial weight loss element. Lack of sleep is proved to be one of the biggest factors that influence weight gain. If you sleep less than 7 hours every night there may be high chances of releasing the hunger hormone, which generates the cravings for junk food.
Studies suggest that lack of sleep can reduce the levels of ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that generate appetite. If the hormone levels are not balanced, even if you are dieting and there is an energy deficit, but if there is no metabolic flexibility, the body will not able to burn the energy which is obtained from the food.

[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You Are Not Drinking Enough Water[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]Drinking water may not only help you to lose weight, but it may help for various other reasons. The human body is made of 50-65 percent of water, and all major processes from heart pumping to nutrients reaching cells are linked with water. Drinking water before half an hour to the meals helps to control your meal portions and make you full faster. Staying hydrated with water doesn’t mean to drink liquids that are high in sugar or sodas, since they do not contain any nutritional values. The other reason to drink more water is to flush out toxins from the body. According to a study, drinking more water may increase metabolism by 30 percent.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You are Skipping Breakfast[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]Breakfast is the most important meal of your day, but we have been repeatedly skipping it throughout our lives. After a pleasant overnight sleep, your body needs energy nourishment to run the daily functions. A proper breakfast with fiber and if possible protein, boost your metabolism and will keep you full for a longer period of time. Skipping breakfast may slow down the metabolism and cause you to retain body fat.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You are Stressed[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]Stress can cause many problems when your aim is to lose weight. It can slow down your metabolism rate and cause fat accumulation in the different areas of the body that are difficult to shape up – the belly, thighs. If you are trying to lose weight only through a balanced diet, even try to add regular exercise to it. Exercise sessions help you in reducing stress by producing a chemical called endorphins and make you feel happy. If you exercise regularly, still feel stressed make small changes in your lifestyle by adding swimming, Zumba, yoga, or other activities that relieve your stress.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You are Drinking Alcohol[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]

Many people completely eliminate alcohol from their diet in order to lose weight, but what if we told you that it increases the chances of gaining weight? Recent studies have revealed that those who stop consuming alcohol are more likely to be obese than those who have a drink a few times a week. Try to have no more than two drinks per day, as that will increase your chances of being obese by 46%. You also shouldn’t underestimate the number of calories in alcohol. 1g of alcohol contains almost as many calories as 1g of fat (9 calories per gram).

[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You are Not Eating All Food Groups[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]It’s easy to follow those low-fat, carb-free diets when you’re trying to lose weight. It may seem like a good idea to cut out all carbohydrates and most fats, but this is not necessary and can actually cause nutritional deficiencies. There are also health benefits to certain types of healthy fats found in almonds, avocados, and salmon, not all carbohydrates are bad. Whole grains contain fiber, which as a result makes you feel fuller for longer. Carbohydrates are not the problem, it is generally refined starches, refined carbohydrates, and portion sizes of foods that cause the problems.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You Are Eating Lot of Diet Food[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]

One of the major reasons you are not losing weight is linked to how many calories you are eating and how many calories actually you are burning. Eating too much healthy food may also damage your body by loading unwanted calories. When it comes to losing weight, tracking your calorie intake and portion control is the key. Of course, the need for calorie intake may differ from person to person based on the height, weight, and activity levels in daily routine. Have a balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fiber to achieve your fitness goals sooner. Keep an eye on the nutritional value of the whole foods you’re consuming.

[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You Are Having A Medical Condition[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]Losing Weight is a time taking process involves various factors in which some we can control, such as our food and exercise. There are few factors that influence the weight loss process that is not in our control such as genes, individual body type, hormonal changes, and age-related changes. Despite changes to your diet and physical activity level if you are still not losing weight, it is better to consult a doctor. Weight gain is linked to several health conditions. If you gain more than five pounds in a month without any changes done to your diet or exercise seek a doctor’s advice.[/vc_column_text][boc_heading]You are Training Too Much[/boc_heading][vc_column_text]Of course, exercise is one of the factors that influence your weight loss, but it is hard to track burning enough calories or doing the right exercises. Plan to train for 30mins – 60mins a day for weight loss. If you are doing High-Intensity training bring it down to 30 mins for each day. Schedule your workout time based on your activity levels and weight loss goals. Dont over train your body for two hours a day that may lead to injuries.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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The content provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes. Before attempting any of the practices or suggestions mentioned in the blog posts on healthybuffs.com, we advise you to consult a medical professional regarding your specific medical condition. It’s important to note that dietary needs can vary from person to person; therefore, we highly recommend seeking guidance from a healthcare provider before implementing any information from our blogs related to food consumption. Additionally, individual fitness levels and physical requirements may vary, so we strongly encourage you to consult a certified trainer before engaging in any activities or exercises recommended in our blogs. Our website’s content is designed to promote the well-being of our users without any intention of leading them astray.
